Hello World!

Hi, I'm Spock/Marty!! I'm 16 and have a strong love for 80s stuff!!
I made this webpage for the sake of my sanity and creativity (and to use my coding class for something)!

Please Note:

  • This website looks best on PC, but works on mobile!
  • I manage to run into quite a couple issues when I'm trying to format my site, so please be patient!
If the nav bar is 2 small to click on (mobile users) just click below!! Keep in mind that this site is under construction right now :) I update this as often as I can (ie. when I don't have school stuff to worry about. Can't summer come sooner?) but still go sort of slow. So come back some other time, and I assure you new things will be up!
I'm currently chipping away at my to-do list now. In the meanwhile, please feel free to check out what is already up and running!